Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Wings- Aprilynne Pike

Laurel was mesmerized, staring at the pale things. They were terrifyingly beautiful—too beautiful for words.
Laurel turned to the mirror again, her eyes on the hovering petals that floated beside her head. They looked almost like wings.
Laurel's life is the very definition of normal . . . until the morning when she wakes up to discover a flower blooming from her back. As it turns out, nothing in Laurel's life is what it seems. Now, with the help of an alluring faerie sentry who holds the key to her true past, Laurel must race to save her human family from the centuries-old faerie enemies who walk among them

Wings the Review

4 Stars

          This was an exceptional book and it was a brilliant new take on the abused category of faeries. The characters were amazing and I loved the plot. The book was a little slow and a little short but it was still pretty good.

          Of course there’s a new love triangle in the world of YA Literature. This time it is between David and Tamiami. I personally think Laurel will choose Tamiami. Only because they share a secret past, I think if there’s a love triangle and someone shares a past, then the people who share the past are going to end up together. Only because they usually left something in the past unsaid, or they never got the chance to make their mood. Either way, in my opinion, the past always conquers the present when it comes to love triangles. Not just because of the past, do I think Tamiami and Laurel will end up together. It’s also because when Laurel was with David she couldn’t stop thinking of Tamiami and when she was with Tamiami she only thought of him. The only time she really thought of her and David together was before she met Tamiami.

          Now let’s talk about the characters of this new love triangle. First I would like to talk about David. David is the boy who rescued Laurel on the first day of school from social suicide. He didn’t even know her and yet he wanted to help her become a part of the school. He wanted Laurel to integrate with his friends. Of course they all end up loving her because what book wouldn’t be complete without a very likable Heroine? Anyway, David was very sweet and geeky. And I do mean geeky. Like Grade A geeky. But he was perfect for Laurel in the beginning. He accepted her, Faerie and all. He may have looked at her a little differently but not in any way that really mattered.

          Then there’s the second male in the love triangle. (Why is it that only guys fight over girls in books…?) Let’s talk about Tamiami. He is a Faerie that Laurel knew before she decided to become a part of the human world. He has held a flame for her for a long time. Maybe his efforts are starting to finally pay off because she is finally noticing him as a possible candidate for a boyfriend/partner. Laurel finally notices him and she can’t get him out of her head. I loved how protective Tamiami was of Laurel he truly cared for her and not just because his job was to protect her. He did it because he honestly cares for her safety. I think Tamiami might just be the male to come out on top in this battle for Laurel’s heart.

          Now I’m going to talk about the woman all the fuss is about. Laurel is a very strange girl. She is a Faerie that has been in hiding for many years. I loved her characterization. She was strange but in a good way. She was very kind and independent. She is the type of person you want as a best friend. She did some serious butt kicking in this book as well. I can understand why these two boys fell in love with her. David can help her understand scientifically what is happening to her but Tamiami can help her mentally and emotionally.

          I very much love the plot of the book. Although the whole Faerie angle is in serious use right now (The Iron King, Bitter Frost, Bridger..) I find these books very refreshing. I guess I haven’t grown out of the little girl phase where all girls care about are Faeries. Instead of cutouts of Faeries to hang on your window, I find myself delving deeper and deeper into the world of Faeries through books. Wings is another great Faerie book that I have really enjoyed. The only thing I didn’t really like was how short it felt and some of the storyline was slow and a little boring. But, again, it was a very good read.
          “And if you need someone to hold and protect you from anyone in the world who might want to hurt you, then I am definitely your guy.”

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