Wednesday, July 3, 2013

So Over You- Gwen Hayes

Layney Logan, girl reporter.

That's all she's ever wanted to be. This year, her senior year, not only does she have to share the coveted Senior Editor position with her arch nemesis, Jimmy Foster, she also has to figure out how to keep the school paper alive. With the local paper closing and the school cutting Journalism from the budget, it's a long shot. Working side-by-side with Foster, the guy she likes to call Lucifer,makes it even worse.

The only thing Layney dislikes more than swimming in the high school dating pool is Jimmy Foster think he got the best of her, so she takes
his ridiculous newspaper assignment--to go on twelve blind dates--to prove his powers of darkness won't work on her. The trouble is, the more she learns about herself on her journey of bad blind dates, the more she wonders if maybe Foster has known her better than she knows herself all this time.

And maybe she should have trusted him with the secret she’s kept for four years—the secret that broke them up to begin with.

The Review

3 Stars

I liked this book. I think. I’m not really sure. I liked the idea of the story but I don’t think I liked how it was carried out. I didn’t like how the author separated the chapters. I didn’t like how she did it based on the dates. Speaking of the dates, I didn’t like how one of them acted when they wanted to keep seeing her and she turned them down. He was so huffy and puffy that it didn’t really seem like he liked her. I also don’t like how she made Tyler her best friend, when Layney didn’t even know him.

And another thing. I didn’t really get the feel that Layney really hated Jimmy Foster. Sure she said it but her actions spoke otherwise. Sure she got mad at him but I get mad at a lot of people and it doesn’t mean I hate them. She also kissed him. Why would you kiss someone you hate? You don’t. The one thing I did like though was the characters personalities. Jimmy was so protective of her even though she always said she hated him. He just played it off. Layney was fun because even though she had something horrible happen to her, she didn’t let it get her down.

So all in all I think this book was ok.

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