But the very first day at her new school, Suze realizes it's not that easy. There's a ghost with revenge on her mind ... and Suze happens to be in the way.
The Review
4 Stars
Confession time. I've already read this series. Twice. I loved it so much. Ecspecially this book.It is a great start to a series. It has that certain quality that makes books entertaining. Suze Simon was kickbutt. She didn't take nothing from no one. No lie. I would hate to meet her in a dark alley where a ghost has been. She is fired up and I have a feeling if I said the wrong thing she would kill me too. Then there's Jesse. I love him. So. Much. He is so..... considerate. But alas he is a ghost so there is no future for them. Or is there? Hmmmmm..... Mystery. Read the series to figure out the answer. I also loved Father Dominic. He was a character that was real without trying to hard to be real. he is also a mediator. That means he can see ghost. Just like Suze. Father Dom is the first mediator Suze has ever met. I liked Suze's stepbrother Doc. HE WAS SO SMART. I felt stupid compared to him. I don't know anyone who wouldn't feel stupid compared to him. And did I mention he's 12. Yeah he's a 12 year old genius. Heather was a witch. Not the literal kind though. No she just acted like one. She was so mean. It's her fault she died. She didn't have to blow her brains out in front of her ex-boyfriend's mother because he broke up with her. Bryce didn't pull the trigger. No Heather did. It takes a special kind of crazy to blaim someone else for a death you inflicted. What I didn't like about tis boh
ok though was how short it was. Other than that, I'm fine with everything else.