3 1/2 Stars
I love dystopian novels... I really do.... truly I do. But this one was just lacking. I mean I loved the society and what goes on in the society. What I didn't like was
A.) It was kind of slow
B.) Xavier and Ky
I loved Ky but I didn't like how Cassia strung Xavier along. They were best friends. Seriously. And then she just like falls for Ky I guess. One moment,I swear, they were friends and the next BAM! They were in love. Like, What the heck? Love takes time, it's not instant. But it was in this book. I also didn't like how Ms. Condie killed off Grandfather. I mean she wrote it in a beautiful way, I cried, I did. But why did she have to kill him. What was the point? I guess it could symbolize how disturbed the Society really was. But still I liked Grandfather. Cassia did too. Why couldn't we keep him? Oh Well. The next book is Crossed and I might read it. I'm still debating.
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